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illustrative of the development of Trusts and of the control of Trusts.

TAFT, W. H. "The Anti-Trust Act and the Supreme Court"


TARBELL, IDA M. "The History of the Standard Oil Company" (1904).

THORNTON, W. W. "A Treatise on the Sherman AntiTrust Act" (1913).

Covers history and interpretation of the Sherman Act.
Has table of nearly 1,200 case citations in State and Fed-
eral Courts.

VAN HISE, C. R. "Concentration and Control” (1912).
WYMAN, B. "The Control of the Market" (1911).


"Federal Anti-Trust Decisions" (4 vols.) (1912).

Contains Circuit, District, and Supreme Court decisions in Federal Anti-Trust cases from 1890 to 1912. In some cases gives excerpts from briefs for the government or the corporations.

"The Federal Anti-Trust Laws with Amendments" (1916). Contains full text of all Federal Anti-Trust Laws, together with a list of all cases instituted thereunder by the United States and citations of these cases. Last edition, July 1, 1916.

"Laws on Trusts and Monopolies Domestic and Foreign" (1914).

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Compiled by Nathan B. Williams for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives. Contains text of all Federal and of all State Anti-Trust laws, with selected case citations thereunder and texts of Anti-Trust laws of the following nations: Australia, Canada, Cape of Good Hope, Great Britain (with abstract and citation of selected British cases from 1415 to 1894), Japan and New Zealand.

"Trust Laws and Unfair Competition" (1915).

Compiled by the Bureau of Corporations of the Department of Commerce and gives in full laws regarding Trusts and unfair competition in force in the U. S., in various states, and in foreign countries. A complete source book.



"Reports of the Bureau of Corporations—1904 to present.' Especially the special reports of investigations of particular industries-the Beef Industry (1905), the Petroleum Industry (1906, 1907), the Tobacco Industry (1909, 1911, and 1915), the Steel Industry (1911, 1912, and 1913), the Lumber Industry (1913 and 1914) and the International Harvester Company (1913).

"Reports of the Federal Trade Commission"-1915 to present.

This Commission has already published several special reports: Coöperation on American Trade (2 vols.), Trade and Tariffs in South America, Pipe Line Transportation of Petroleum, the Fertilizer Industry, Gasoline Prices, the Beet Sugar Industry, and Mexican Sisal Hemp. It is now making general investigations of the Petroleum Industry, the Anthracite Coal Industry, the Bituminous Coal Industry, and the Paper Industry. "Reports of the Industrial Commission"-1900-1902.

Vols. I, II, XIII, XVIII, and XIX deal with Trusts. For current facts about industrial combinations consult the Annual Volumes of either Moody's or Poor's Manuals on Industrials.

For an exhaustive bibliography on Trusts up to 1907, consult the U. S. Library of Congress-A list of books relating to trusts (with references to periodicals) by A. P. C. Griffin-3d edition, 1907.

[blocks in formation]

American Spirits Manufacturing Com-
pany, 143


American Steel and Wire Company,
Salesmen dispensed with, 33; Controls
barb wire, 61, 75; Formation of, 162-63;
Prices and margin, 163-75; Shutdown,
165; Corporation takes over,
Monopoly in barb wire, 167
American Steel Hoop Company,
Wastes avoided, 44; Management, 117
American Sugar Refining Company,
Early study of, 4; Large stocks an advan-
tage, 39; Combination profitable, 42-43;
Competitors' prices, 66, 67, 70, 73;
Havemeyer's ambition, 75; Prices, 127,
128, 131, 134; Corrupt politics, 199-200;
History outlined, 343-47
American Tin Plate Company,
Plan of organization, 87-89, 111, 160;
Management, 117; Prices, 157-59; Labor
costs, 158

American Tobacco Company,


Prices unaffected by dissolution, 38;
Markets secured by successor,
Federal Court decisions,
History outlined, 347-63

296, 300;

Anti-Monopoly Organization, 243
Anti-Trust Laws, State,

Texas, 384-95; New Jersey, 396-407
See also State Anti-Trust Legislation
"Anti-Trust Act and the Supreme
Court, The" by W. H. Taft, 491

Industrial legislation, 460-65; Australian
Industries Preservation Act, 460-65

Coal and iron syndicates, 221; Sugar re-
fineries and prices, 221; Corporations,
222; Capitalization, 226; Protective tariff
229; Iron prices, 230; Hostility toward
combinations, 232, 236-38; Recommen-
dations of Department of Trade and
Industry, 236-37

Banking Syndicate,
Monopolistic control, 55

Barb Wire, See Iron and Steel

Bibliography, 492

Birmingham Alliances,

Avoiding strikes, 195-96


Definition, 79; Replaced by stocks, 84-86;
Bonded railways, 83; Underwriting, 90

Bradford Dyers' Association, 222, 231
British-American Tobacco Company,
Foreign markets, 55, 77

Bureau of Corporations, 262, 263, 268,

"Bureau of Corporations, Reports of the,"
reviewed, 492

Bureau of Labor, 259

"Business Organization and Combina-
tion," by Lewis H. Haney, 490


Profit from, 49, 150; Oil refineries, 150, 152


Combines Investigation Act, 469-78
Capitalistic monopoly, 5, 10; Proposed
N. Y. Business Companies' Act, 9;
National wealth, 12, 13; Centralization
and control of, 13, 15-21; Manufactures
in U. S., 16-20; and Cost of production,
21-22; In competition, 28-30; Monopol-
istic power of, 63-78; Price control,
68-73; Secures special favors, 74-75;
Trade extension through, 76-78; Promot-
ing an organization, 79 et seq.; And labor
unions, 188, 189-90; Manufacturing
plants, growth of, 242
Capitalistic Monopoly,

Early use of term, 5, 10; Advantages and
limitations, 61-78

Basis of, 95-103; Issuance of stock, 95;
Massachusetts law, 95-96; Puerto Rico,
95; Earning capacity determines value,
96, 97; Conditions affect profits, 96-98;
Bryan on, 96; Monopolistic franchises,
97-98; Advantage of large, 98-99;
Speculation, 99; Stock watering, 99;
Reproduction values, 100; Illegal divi-
dends, 100-01; Remedying evils, 101-02;
In Europe, 225-26
Carnegie Company,
Organization, 166, 168
Charts, Price,

Sugar, 125, 137; Whiskey, 141; Petroleum,
149; Tin plate, 157; Iron and steel, 160,
Clayton Act,

Labor clause, 259; Passage of, 263, 265;
Provisions, 271-75, 435-55


Regulations for, 105, 106; Selling bureau,
221; German syndicate, 230, 232, 235;
Federal Commission reports, 492

Review of industrial, 3-11; Phases of, 12-13;
Cheapens cost of production, 21-22;
Economics of, 23-30, 50; Sugar Trust,
28, 42; Prevents waste, 31 et seq.;
Eliminating salesmen, 33-36; Freight
expenses, 41; Whiskey Trust, 41-42, 108;
Leather, 45; Patents and monopoly, 45;
System of accounting, 48; Raw material,


control of, 49-50; Favors to industrial,
51-60; International, with Germany,
53-54; And monopoly, 61-78; Price con-
trol, 63-74; Prices
and economies,

122-80; Savings, and wages, 181-197;
Political and social effects of, 198-216;
European industries, 217-40; Beginning
of, in manufactures, 242; International
Harvester Co., 374

See also Concentration

See also Monopoly

Combines Investigation Act, 469-78

Retail trade, 23-26; Dealers' associations,
24-25; Price cutting, 25, 26, 27; Testing
goods, 26-27; Early combinations, 27;
Fixed capital, 28-30; Sugar Trust, 28, 42;
Wastes of, 31-50; Monopoly prices, 31-32;
Travelling Salesmen, 33-35; Competitive
advertising, 36-38; Losses through cred-
its, 38; Large stocks advantageous, 39;
Cross freights, 40-41; Restricting output,
41-43; Diversity of manufacture, 44-45;
Patents, 45; Skilful organization, 45-50;
Monopolistic control, 61-78; And prices,
122-80; Sugar refineries, 129-37;
Spreckels, 134; Arbuckle-Doscher, 134;
Distillers, 141-46; Oil refineries, 150-55;
Tin plate, 160; Wire nail pool, 162; Pro-
tection against monopoly, 178, 180;
Power developed by, 202; Weak com-
petitors, 202-04; Ruinous, 205; Nepo-
tism, 206-07; International Harvester
Co., 375

See also Monopoly

Industrial inventions bring about, 12, 13-
21; How evidenced, 12-13; Census data
on manufactures, 15-21; Centralized
capital, 12, 13, 16-21; Populations, 12-13;
American Federation of Labor, 15
"Concentration and Control," by C. R.
Van Hise, 491

"Control of the Market, The," by B.
Wyman, 491

"Corporate Promotion and Reorganiza-
tion," by A. S. Dewing, 490
Corporation Laws,


needed, 121; European, 233-39, 459;
Anti-trust legislation, 241-48; Statute
of Texas, 247; New Jersey corporation
acts, 249-52; Texas, 384-95; New Jersey
statutes, 396-407; Treatise on, 490

Influence of, 160; U. S. Steel, 166-76;
Unfavorable to trade unions, 184, 363;
Bureau of, 262, 415; Dill on, 313; Oil,

See also Combinations

See also Trusts


Combination prevents losses, 38

[blocks in formation]

Competitive waste, 35-36, 39, 41-42;
Pools, 104-05, 107, 141-42; Profits and
prices, 141-49; Distilling and Cattle
Feeding Co., 141, 143, 147, American
Spirits Mfg. Co., 143; Distillers' Se-
curities Corporation, 143, 145, 147; Dis-
tilling Company of America, 143-44
Distillers' Securities Corporation,
Business conditions, 145; Reports of, 147
Distilling and Cattle Feeding Company,
Prices of material, 141; In receiver's hands,

Distilling Company of America,

Methods of securing trade, 39; Manage-
ment, 91, 117, 143, 144

Duluth and Iron Range Railroad Com-

Stock to Federal Steel Co., 115


Form of combination, and causes, 217-18;
Bradford Dyers' Association, 222, 231,
Brass bedstead combination, 223-25;
231; Stock corporation law, 233; Indus-
trial legislation in Great Britain, 459-60;
British industry, publication on, 490
European Industrial Combinations,
Extent of control, 217, 240; Single corpora-

tions of England, 217; Prevent ruinous
competition, 218; Influences restrain
growth of, 219-20; Limiting output, 220;
Form of, 221; Coal and iron syndicates,
221; Sugar combinations, 221; Bradford
Dyers' Association, 222; 231, Compara-
tive accounting, 222; Calico Printers'
Association, Ltd., 222; Corporations,
222; Brass bedstead combination, 223-25;
Capitalization, 225-26; Prices and mar-
gin, 226-30, 232; Tariff, 227-30; Opposi-
tion to labor unions, 230; Public attitude
toward, 231-32; German coal syndicate,
232-33, 235; Socialist movement, 233,
240; Legislation, 233-38; Potash Syndi-
cate, 235; German control of petroleum,
235; Austrian opposition, 236-38; De-
partment of Trade and Industry,
recommendations, 236-38; War's influ-
ence, 238-40; Kartells, 239
See also Foreign Legislation
European War,

Sugar market at outbreak of, 135-37;
Price variations in corn, 147-48, Petro-
leum prices, 155; Steel prices maintained,
168-69; Export problems, 229
Expediting Act, 413-15

Federal Anti-Trust Law, 408-11
"Federal Anti-Trust Decisions," reviewed,

"Federal Anti-Trust Laws with Amend-
ments," reviewed, 491

Federal Court Cases,

Northern Securities Co. decision, 113;
Suits filed since 1890, 280; Labor cases,
280-81; Shipping, 281; Anti-trust, 281-82;
Infrequent prosecutions, 282-83; Knight
case reviewed, 283-86; Trans-Missouri
Freight Association case, 286-89; Joint
Traffic Association Case, 289-90; Addys-
ton Pipe case, 290-92; Northern Securities
Company, 292-96; Oil and Tobacco
cases, 296; Standard Oil Company, 297-
300; Tobacco case decision, 300; Suits

Federal Court Cases-Continued

pending, 301; United Shoe Machinery
Company case, 301; Government reports
on, 491-92

Federal Steel Company,

A combination, 115; Stock purchased by,
115; Management, 116; Mines and ore,
116-17; Integrating plan, 117
Federal Trade Commission,

Absorbs Bureau of Corporations, 262; Act
passed, 263, 265; Summary of provisions,
266-70, 273; Object of, 279; Act to create,
422-35; Manuals and reports, 490, 492
"Federal Trade Commission, Manual of
the," by R. S. Harvey and E. W. Brad-
ford, 490

"Federal Trade Commission, Reports of
the," reviewed, 492

Federal Trust Legislation,

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 254-58, 259-60;
Excerpts from Sherman address, 256-58;
Clayton Act, 258-59, 263, 265, 267, 271-
75; Wilson Tariff Act, 260; Harlan
recommendation, 261; Industrial Com-
mission, 261; Knox recommendation,
261; Department of Commerce and
Labor, 262; Bureau of Corporations,
262, 263, 268; Federal Trade Commission,
262, 263, 265, 266-70, 273, 279, 422-35;
Panama Canal Act, 263, 419-22; Plat-
forms, 264-65, 273; Economic survey of,
275-79; 'Fields of development, 276-78;
Federal Anti-Trust Law, 408-11; Wilson
Tariff Act, 411-13; Expediting Act, 413-
15; Bureau of Corporations, 415-16;
Immunity provisions, 417-18; Judicial
Code, 419; Federal Trade Commission
Act, 422-35; Clayton Act, 435-55; Sun-
dry Civil Act, 455-56; Webb Bill, 456-58

Identified with promoters, 89, 91, 92;
Evils of promotion, 92, 93-94
Foreign Legislation,

Great Britain, 459-60; Australia, 460-65;
New Zealand, 465-69; Canada, 469-78;
Russia, 478-79; Germany, 479-89; Com-
pilation of laws, by N. B. Williams, 491
See also European Industrial Combinations

Coal and iron syndicates, 221, 230; Capital-
ization, 226; French Penal Code, and
combinations, 234

Freight Rates,

Saving in cross, 40; Standard Oil Co. and
discrimination, 40, 41, 43, 55, 58, 74;
Rebates, 55-56; Shippers render service,
57; Combinations, 68, 74

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Prices shown by, 125, 137-38; Steel prices,
174-76; Accuracy of, 179; Prices in
Europe, 226

"Industrial Combinations and Trusts,"
by W. A. Stevens, 490

Industrial Commission,

Recommendations in final report of, 307-12
"Industrial Commission, Reports of the,"

"Industrial Competition and Combina-
tion," Publication on, 490

Report of U.S. Industrial Commission, 7, 8;
Evolution of business, 12 et seq.; In-
ventions, 13, 14, 21; Census data, 15-20;
Leading lines of, 16-17; Manufacturing
plants of U. S., 16-21; Averages of re-
turns from, 17-18; Golden age of small,
18; Large scale production, 18-20;
Sugar refineries and competition, 28-30;
Combinations prevent waste, 31-50;
Skilful management, 46-49; Combina-
tions favored, 51-60; Protective tariff,
51-54; International combination, 53-54;
Freight discriminations, 55-60; Rebates,
55-56; Special rates by railways, 56-60;
Effects of combinations upon prices,
122-80; Sugar. 122-40; Whiskey, 141-49;
Petroleum, 149-57; Tin plate, 157-60;
Iron and steel, 160-77; Foreign legisla-
tion on combinations, 459-89
See also Manufactures
Industries Preservation Act, 460-65
International Harvester Company,
Investigation of, 4, 7; Prevents waste, 49;
Assists competitors, 72; Foreign markets,
77; Federal Court case, 371-72, 383;
Outline history of, 372-83; Firms ac-
quired, 374; Extension, 374; Competitive
methods, 375-76, 381-83; Resources, 376;
Growth, 377; Capitalization, 378-80;
Profits, 380-81

Interstate Commerce Commission, 259,
262, 272

Interstate Commerce Law, 242

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