Imágenes de páginas
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N.B. Publishers wishing the contents of their Magazines to appear in this list will please send a copy of each number as issued to the Editor, care of Trübner & Co.

Bibliotheca Sacra (The). (Published Quarterly.) Edited by EDWARDS A. PARK and SAMUEL H. TAYLOR, with the co-operation of three Divines. Andover, 1870. 4s. 6d. per number. 18s. per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE JANUARY NUMBER.-The Incarnation. By Professor John A. Reubelt.-Revelation and Inspiration. No. V. The Credibility of the Gospel Narratives. By Rev. E. B. Burrows, D.D. -The Human Intellect. By Rev. John Bascom.-The Progress of Truth dependent on Correct Interpretation. By Rev. Seth Sweetser, D.D-Bethesda and its Miracle. By Rev. James N. Macdonald, D.D. -The Doctrine of the Apostles. By S. R. Asbury.. -Licentiate.Recent Theories on the Origin of Language. By Rev. John O. Means. -New Studies in Egyptology. By Joseph P. Thompson, D.D., LL.D. Assyrian Studies-Text Books. By Rev. William Hayes Ward.-The Topography of Jerusalem. By Rev. John Forbes, LL.D.-Notices of Recent Publications: German Works-English and American Works.

Harper's New Monthly Magazine. New York, 1870. Illustrated. Can be supplied to India, China, South America, and the Colonies, or any part of the Continent of Europe. 18s. per annum (exclusive of postage).

CONTENTS OF THE FEBRUARY NUMBER.- The Marriage of Frederick the Great. 3. Wilhelmina and the Reconciliation.-Tell Me.-Beast, Bird, and Fish. (Fourth Paper).-The Andes and the Amazon.South-Coast Saunterings in England. (Saunter V.)-The Consequences.-Anteros. 2.-Flood-tide.-Mirabeth.-A Brave Lady (continued).-Mary Russell Mitford.-Along the Wires.-Paraguay and Her Enemies.-A Promise is a Promise.-The Game Water-Fowl of America.-A Chat of Bells.-Editor's Easy Chair.-Editor's Literary Record.-Editor's Scientific Record.-Editor's Historical Record. Editor's Drawer..

Lippincott's Magazine. An Illustrated Monthly of Literature, Science, and Education. Philadelphia, 1870. Subscription, 18s. per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE FEBRUARY NUMBER.-The Bird. By Sara T. Smith. The Penn Family. By John Jay Smith.- Match-making. By J. W. Watson.-Under False Colours. By Lucy Hamilton Hooper. -The Two Flags: an incident of the War in Cuba. By Edward Renaud.-High Life. By C. A. Burgin.-The Freedman and his Future, II-A Rejoinder. By G. F.-Beyond the Breakers, XIV. concluded. By Robert Dale Owen.-Our Geographical Sponsors. By W. W. Crane.-An Extraordinary Episode. By Reginald Lewin. -The Report of the Special Commissioner, Edwin M. Stanton: Secret History of Lincoln's Cabinet.-Our Monthly Gossip.-Literature of the day.

Medical Journal (New York). A Monthly Record of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Edited by EDWARD S. DUNSTER, M.D. New York, 1870. Subscription, £1 10s. per annum, or 3s. per number. CONTENTS OF THE JANUARY NUMBER.-Contributions to Practical Laryngoscopy. Four Cases of Morbid Growths within the Larynx. By A. Ruppaner, M.D.-Review of the Report of "Last Illness of Dr. Alden March." By C. A. Robertson, M.D.-Treatment of Contusions of the Perinæum, attended with Laceration of the Urethra. By Stephen Rogers, M.D. Reviews.- Bibliographical and Literary Notes.-Reports on the Progress of Medicine: Dermatology.-Miscellaneous and Scientific Notes.

Medical Review (American Eclectic). Editors: ROBERT S. NEWTON, M.D., J. M. F. BROWNE, M.D., LL.D., and P. ALBERT MORROW, M.D. New York, 1869. Subscription, 12s. per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE DECEMBER NUMBER.-Psychological Medicine. By Alexander Wilder, M.D.-Atomic Force. By Thomas R. Fraser, M.D.-Are We Advancing? By Robert S. Newton, M.D.-A Case în Practice. By E. H. Anderson, M.D.-Case of Otitis. Reported by John H. Fitch, M.D.- Periscope. - Reviews and Bibliographical Notices.-Editorial.-Editorial Notes and Comments.-News and


Medical Sciences (American Journal of the). Edited by ISAAC HAYS, M.D. Assisted by J. MINIS HAYS, M.D. New Series. (Published Quarterly.) Philadelphia, 1870. 6s. per number.

CONTENTS OF THE JANUARY NUMBER.-On the Effect of Opium and its derivative Alkaloids. By S. Weir Mitchell, M.D.-Amputation at the Knee-joint by Modified Lateral Flaps. By Stephen Smith, M.D.A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Physiological Action of the Alkaloids, Viridia, Veratroidia, and Veratria of Commerce, and of the Resin of Veratrum Viride. By Horatio C. Wood, jun., M.D.-On the Diagnostic Value of the Corpuscular Blood-elements in the Urine of

Bright's Disease. By Joseph G. Richardson, M.D.-Observations on the Treatment of Certain Complications of Hooping Cough by Means of the Oil of Turpentine. By Bedford Brown, M.D.- Femoral Aneurism in the Groin successfully treated by Flexion of the Limb, after a relapse following a previous apparent Cure by Compression. By Gurdon Buck, M.D.-Permanganate of Potassa in the Treatment of Certain Female Diseases. By A. M. Williams, A.M., M.D.-An additional Test for the Diagnosis and Correction of the Optical Defects of the Eye. By William Thomson, M.D.-New Observations on Dr. E. Groux's Case of Congenital Fissure of the Sternum. By Henry Hartshorne, M.D.-On Instantaneous Rigour as the Occasional Accompaniment of Sudden and Violent Death. By John H. Brinton, M.D.-Pendulous Pedunculated Bronchocele Successfully Removed. By George C. Blackman, M.D.-Case of Diphthæric Croup, in which Laryngo-tracheotomy was performed: Death on the Seventh Day from the Systemic Poison. By John H. Packard, M.D.-Cases of Ovariotomy. By Washington L. Atlee, M.D. (Reported by Dr. J. Ewing Mears.)-Two cases of Growth of the Aspergillus Fungus in the External Auditory Canal. By D. B. St. John Roosa, M.D. With a Microscopical Description by William B. Lewis, M.D.-Ulceration of the Umbilicus and Strangulation of the Intestine in an Adult Female. By T. L. Ogier, M.D.--Symptoms of True Labour caused by Impacted Fecal Matter in the Large Intestines. By John J. Black, M.D. -On Certain Peculiarities in the Construction of the Orbit. By Har rison Allen, M.D.-Description of an Improved Speculum. By J. Stockton Hough, M.D.-Summary of the Proceedings of the Patho logical Society of Philadelphia.-Reviews.-Analytical and Biographical Notices.-Quarterly Summary of the Improvements and Dis coveries in the Medical Sciences: Anatomy and Physiology-Materia Medica, General Therapeutics and Pharmacy-Medical Pathology and Therapeutics, and Practical Medicine-Surgical Pathology and Therapeutics, and Operative Surgery-Opthalmology-Midwifery-Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. -American Intelligence: Original Communications-Domestic Summary.

Medicine and Surgery (The Philadelphia UniVERSITY JOURNAL OF). Editor: W. PAINE, M.D., Philadelphia University, 1870. Subscription, 12s. per annum, post free.

CONTENTS OF THE JANUARY NUMBER. A Lecture on the Healing Art (Continued).-Management of Pregnant Women and the Diseases of Pregnancy. By J. S. Longshore, M.D.-Hepatic Disorder. By J. C. Dreker, M.D.-Autopsy of a case of Epilepsy of long standing.— Selections: Chemistry of the Cinchona Barks.-Clinical Reports: Practice of Medicine-Surgery.-Medical and Domestic Items.— Editorial.-Reviews and Literary Notices.-Physician's Directory. Merchants' Magazine (Hunt's) and Commercial REVIEW. Edited by WILLIAM B. DANA. (Published monthly.) New York. 1869. Subscription, £1 10s. per


CONTENTS OF THE DECEMBER NUMBER.-The Suez Canal. — The Financial Question. By C. H. Carroll.-The Reciprocity Movement in Canada. Floating Capital and New Loans.-Chicago and Alton Railroad.-The Discount Market.-Relief from Fiscal Burdens.-The Supreme Court and the Legal Tender Act.-The Condition of the Massachusetts' Insurance Companies.-The Hop-crop and its Products.-Tennessee Finances.-North Carolina Bonds.-Pennsylvania State Debt.-General Movement of Coin and Bullion at New York in October, 1869.- Railroad Items.-The Public Debt.-Commercial Chronicle and Review.-Journal of Banking, Currency, and Finance. Naturalist (The American).-A popular Illustrated Magazine of Natural History. Editors: ALPHEUS S. PACKARD, jun., M.D., EDWARD S. MORSE, ALPHEUS HYATT, and FREDERICK W. PUTNAM. Salem (Mass.), Peabody Academy of Science, 1870. Subscription, 18s. per annum. CONTENTS OF THE JANUARY NUMBER.-Shavings Examined Microscopically. By Professor A. M. Edwards.-Notes on some of the Barer Birds of Massachusetts. (Continued.) By J. A. Allen.-The Lingering Admirers of Phrenology. By Professor Cleland.-The Clapper Rail. By Dr. Elliott Cones, United States Army.-Reviews. Natural History Miscellany: Botany-Zoology-Geology.-Answers to Carrespondents.-Books Received.

North American Review (The). Edited by
Boston, 1870. (Quarterly.) 6s. each number.
By Simon Newcomb.-Indian Migrations. By Lewis H. Morgan.-An
Ancient Creed. By Karl Blind. - Railway Problems in 1869. By
Charles Francis Adams, jun.-The Ecclesiastical Crisis in England.
By Professor Goldwin Smith. The Treasury Reports, 1869. By
Gamaliel Bradford.-Critical Notices.

Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children (THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF). Edited by E. NOEGGERATH, M.D., B. F. DAWSON, M.D., and A. JACOBI, M.D. New York, 1869. Subscription, 20s. per annum. CONTENTS OF THE NOVEMBER NUMBER.-Remarks upon some recently reported Cases of Monstrosity. By C. C. Terry, M.D.-The Pathology and Treatment of Membranous Dysmenorrhoea. By Dr. F. Mandl. The History of Four Cases of Chronic Inversion of the Uterus, with the account of an Operation designed as a Substitute for Amputation. By F. Gaillard Thomas, M.D.-The Treatment of Endometritis by Uterine Injections. By J. C. Nott, M.D.-On Chronic Metritis in its Relation to Malignant Disease of the Uterus. By E. Noeggerath, M.D.-Correspondence: Meeting of German Naturalists and Discussions at Innsbruck.-Transactions of the Philadelphia Obstetrical Society.-Review of Literature pertaining to Diseases of Women, Pregnancy, Labour, and the Puerperal State, and Diseases of Children.-Reviews and Notices of Books.-Books Received.

Old and New. A Monthly Magazine of Science, Business, Politics, and Religion, for the Home Circle. Edited by the Rev. EDWARD EVERETT HALE. Boston and New York, 1870. Subscription, £1 4s. per annum. CONTENTS OF THE FEBRUARY NUMBER. -Old and New. By the Editor.-La Crecke. From the German.-Six Fingers and Toes. By Burt G. Wilder, M.D.-The French System of Storm Maps. By Professor J. P. Lesley.-Language a Fine Art. By Emma M. Converse.Two Yards of Earth. By Edgar L. Paxton.--Nature and the Great Railroad. By W. T. Brigham.-Too Neat by Half. By F. W. Holland.Florida. By Charles Beecher.-Gloria in Excelsis. By Mrs. M. P. Lowe. -The West As It Is. By Mrs. Julia Ward Howe.-Claude Blouet's Sufferings. (After the French of M. André Theuriet).-The Negro and his Bureau. By Sidney Andrews.-The Scriptures: the Nature of their Inspiration, and their Relation to other sources of Religious Truth. By Henry W. Bellows.-Dreaming and Waking. By E. Foxton.-Lifting Up. By Harriet E. Lunt.-Janus on "The Pope and the Council."-Ten Times One is Ten. (A story in eight chapters.) By Colonel Frederick Ingham.-What is Religion? By C. Carroll Everett. The Suez Canal.-The Examiner.-Record of Progress.

Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Edited by J. T. TROWBRIDGE, GAIL HAMILTON, and LUCY LARCOM. (Monthly.) Boston, 1870. Subscription, 12s. per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE FEBRUARY NUMBER.-We Girls: a Home Story. By Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Chapter 2.-Our Menagerie, 1. By T. W. Higginson.-Snow (Poem). By Rose Terry. - Burton and the Baby. By Helen C. Weeks.-Mr. Clarence at the Capital. By J. T. Trowbridge.-A Clean Sweep. By Caroline Augusta Howard.-The Owl and the Pussy-Cat (Poem). By Edward Lear.-Jack's Victory. 2. By Isaac J. Hayes.-How Battles are Fought. 2. By Major Traverse.-Mrs. MacGarret's Tea-party. By Mrs. A. M. Diaz.-The Evening Lamp.-Our Letter-Box.

Overland Monthly (The).

Devoted to the de

velopment of the country. San Francisco, 1870. Subscription, £1 43. per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE FEBRUARY NUMBER.-Our Ishmaelites.-Seaelephant Hunting.-Australia.-Meridian.-Mr. Burleigh's Way.A Visit to Melrose. A Flock of Wool.-Western Agricultural Improvements.-An Officer's Wife in New Mexico.-The Years.Mackerel-catching.-The Story of an Ornithologist.-Concerning Popular Assassination.-The Chapel of St. Ferdinand.-"Jim."-The Rationale of Slang, etc.-Current Literature.

Princeton Review (The Biblical Repertory and).

Edited by Rev. CHARLES HODGE, D.D., and LYMAN H. ATWATER, D.D., and with the special cooperation of six divines. Quarterly. New York, 1870. Subscription, 16s.

per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE JANUARY NUMBER.-The History and Literature of Civil Service Reform.-The Early Regeneration of Sabbath School Children.-The Life of Samuel Miller, D.D., LL.D.-A Fragment: What the Greeks Thought of the Religion of the Jews.-The Reign of Law.-Adjourned Meetings of the General Assemblies at Pittsburg.The Life of Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.-The Presbyterian

Church: Its Position and Work.-Notices of Recent Publications. Literary Intelligence.

Printers' Circular (The). A Record of Typography, Literature, Arts, and Sciences. Edited by R. S. MENAMIN. Philadelphia, 1870. Subscription, 6s. per annum, post free.

CONTENTS OF THE JANUARY NUMBER.-Chinese Literature. By Jessie Ringwalt.-History of the Columbia Typographical Society of Washington., D.C. By A. T. Cowis and E. MacMurray. No. XIV.Independent Journalism.-Capacity of Presses.-A Pertinent Inquiry. Acquirements Necessary to Make an Editor.-A Remedy for Strikes. -Foreign Miscellany.-Miscellaneous Items.-Editorials.-Literary. -Newspaper Gossip.-List of Officers of Typographical Union.— Advertisements.

Proof Sheet (The). Issued by Messrs. COLLINS and M'LEESTER, Type Founders. Philadelphia, 1869. Subscription, 6s. per annum, post free.

CONTENTS OF THE NOVEMBER NUMBER.-Map of Boston and Adja cent Country, showing that City to be the Geographical as well as the Intellectual and Moral Centre of One-half of the Globe. Compiled for the use of schools, from the latest survey of the fields. By A. Shortfellow, Esq., Cosmographical Engineer.-Editorial Note.-The Supplement: Our Object-Complimentary-Shorts-Why Not?-Comparisons-Nutting in the Park-" Full Grown! Why Full-Grown ?"— Dramatic-Financial Intelligence-Commercial Intelligence. - Notices to Correspondents. By Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie.-Rampant Rascality.-The Franklin Society.-On Principals and Accessories.Short and Pithy.-The Philosophy of Whist. By Charles West Thompson.-The Average of Audiences. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. -Long Intermissions.-Advice Gratis.-Miscellanea.-Masonic Em


Riverside Magazine (The): an Illustrated Maga-
zine for Young People. New York, 1870. Monthly.
Subscription, 18s. per annum.
Stories by Fire-light. By Edmund B. Bensell.-The Shan Van Voght.
A true Story. By Mrs. R. H. Davies.-Jake's Wedding, II. By
Mrs. Helen C. weeks.-Father Gander's Rhymes about the Animals.
By C. P. Cranch.-William Fitz.-Robert and Helie of St. Saen. By
the author of "Seven Little Sisters."-More Little Artists and Story-
tellers. By Anne Silvernail.-A Letter from Egypt. By T. D. Butler.
-Little Folk Songs, I-V. By Alta.-How the Captain came by a
Legacy, II. By Vieux Moustache. It is; it is not, and it is. By
Dr. C. C. Abbott.-The Truly Rural Romaunt of the Sleepy Princess
(continued). Indian Club Exercise. Second Paper. By C. R. Treat.
-The Days of the Week, Vignette for February. By Hans Christian
Andersen.-Books for Young People: Bjornson's Writings.-The
Shadow on the Wall. By M. Angier Alden.-The Settle. By the
Editor and the Children.-The Calendar for February.

Ruralist (The), and Ohio Valley Cultivator. A
Monthly Journal devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture,
Literature, Science, Art, News, etc. Edited by E. J.
HOOPER. (New Series.) Cincinnati, 1869. Subscription.
6s. per annum, post free.

CONTENTS OF THE DECEMBER NUMBER.-Reports of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society.-Ohio Wine Grower's Association.-Correspondence. Agricultural. -Stock.-Fruit Garden and Orchard.Vegetable Garden. - Nubbins in Nutshells. - Household. - Miscel laneous.

Speculative Philosophy (The Journal of). Edited

by WILLIAM T. HARRIS. St. Louis, 1869. 2s. per number.

CONTENTS OF THE DECEMBER NUMBER.-Preface to Volume III.New Exposition of the Science of Knowledge. Translated from the German of J. G. Fichte, by A. E. Kroeger. Part fourth.-Analysis of Hegel's Aesthetics. Translated from the French of M. Ch. Bénard, by J. A. Martling.-Berkley's Doctrine of the Nature of Matter. By T. Collyn Simon.-Hegel's First Principle (as Introduction to the Translation of the "Science of Comprehension").-The Problems of Philosophy at the present time. By E. von Hartmann, translated from the German by Thomas Davidson.-Is Thought the Thinker? Letter from T. Collyns Simon.


Army of the James (Society of the). Report of the Proceedings at the First Triennial Reunion, held in Boston, Sept. 2, 1868. Compiled by COL. CHARLES A. CARLETON, 8vo. sewed, pp. 56. New York, 1870. Army Reunion (The). With Reports of the Meetings of the Societies of the Armies of the Cumberland, the Tennessee, the Ohio, and Georgia. Held at Chicago, Dec. 15 and 16, 1868. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, cloth gilt, and morocco, pp. 350. Chicago, 1870. £1, £1 5s., and £1 15s. Medical Association (Transactions of the AMERICAN). Instituted 1847. Vol. XX. 8vo. cloth, pp. 853. Philadelphia, 1870. £1 5s.

Natural History (Memoirs read before the

BOSTON SOCIETY OF); being a New Series of the Boston Journal of Natural History. Boston, 1868 and 1869. £1 5s. each part.

CONTENTS OF VOLUME I., PART 3.-On the Spongiae Ciliatae, as Infusoria Flagellata; or, observations on the Structure, Animality, and Relationships of Leucosolenia Botryoides Bowerbank. By й. James Clark, A.B., B.S. (With 2 Plates.)-Notes on the Volcanic Phenomena of the Hawaiian Islands, with a Description of the Modern Eruptions. By William T. Brigham, A.M. (With 5 Plates.) With over 50 Figures and Maps.

CONTENTS OF VOLUME I., PART 4.-On the Weapons and Military Character of the Race of the Mounds. (With a Plate). By Colonel Charles Whittlesey.-On the Distortion of Pebbles in Conglomerates, with Illustrations from Rangely Lake in Maine. (With 3 Plates.) By George L. Vose.-Notes on Birds observed in Western Iowa, in the months of July, August, and September; also on Birds observed in Northern Illinois, in May and June; and at Richmond, Wayne County, Indiana, between June 3rd and 10th. By J. A. Allen.-Notes

on Hesperomannia, a new genus of Hawaiian Compositae. (With a Plate.) By William T. Brigham.-Notes on Alsinidendron, Platydesma, and Brighamia, new genera of Hawaiian Plants, with an Analysis of the Hawaiian Flora. (With 3 Plates.) By Horace Mann. -The Geographical Distribution of the Native Birds of the Department of Vera Cruz, with a list of the Migratory Species. By F. Sumichrast. Communicated to the Smithsonian Institution and published by permission of the Secretary. Translated from the French by T. M. Brewer, M.D.-The Eruption of the Hawaiian Volcanoes, 1868. By William T. Brigham, A.M.-The Physical Geology of Eastern Ohio. By Colonel Charles Whittlesey. (With a Plate.)


Opthalmological Society (Transactions of the AMERICAN). Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Annual Meetings, 1865, 1866, 1867, and 1868. New York, 1865, 1866, and 1869. 1865 and 1866 Parts 5s. each; 1867 and 1868 Parts 10s. each.

CONTENTS OF The 1865 Part.-Report on the Progress of Opthalmology during the past year. By Dr. B. Joy Jeffries.-Opthalmic Photography. Autopthalmoscopy. - Entoptics.-- Retinal Structure. -Binocular Opthalmoscope.-Physiology and Theory of VisionBibliography.-Statement of Cases of Gonorrhoeal and Furulent Opthalmia treated in the Desmarres (United States Army).-Eye and Ear Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, with Special Report of Treatment employed. By Surgeon J. S. Hildreth, United States Volunteers in charge of Hospital.-Opthalmia Intermittens, By Dr. Derby.-Asthenopia not connected with Hypermetropia. By Dr. Dyer.-Specialties in Medicine. By Henry D. Noyes, M.D.

CONTENTS OF THE 1866 PART.-Sudden Monocular Amaurosis, presenting unusual difficulties in Diagnosis. By Dr. Henry B. Sands. -Extract from Observations upon Anaesthesia of the Cornea and Radiating Fibres of the Iris, occurring without Intra-ocular Tension, By Dr. J. G. Hildreth.--Refraction of a small oblique pencil of diverging rays by a glass plate with plane parallel surfaces. By Dr. G. Hay. On the necessity of employing greater accuracy in ascer taining and expressing the degree of acuteness of Vision. By Dr. H. Derby.-A Method of Operating for Divergent Squint. By Dr. C. R. Agnew.-Amblyopia produced by Osmic Acid. By Dr. Henry D. Noyes.-Anatomy and Physiology of the Ciliary Muscle in Man. By Dr. B. Joy Jeffries.-Suture of the Flap after extraction of Cataract. By Henry W. Williams, M.D.

CONTENTS OF THE 1867 AND 1868 PARTS.-Report on the Progress of Opthalmology for 1865 and 1866. By Dr. B. Joy Jeffries.-Report on the Progress of Opthalmology for 1867. By Dr. G. Hay,-Obser vations in Astigmatism. By Dr. Henry D. Noyes.-Case of acquired Astigmatism. By Dr. Pomeroy.-Modification of Probes for the Lachrymal Passages. By Dr. W. H. Williams.-On the use of styles of lead in the Treatment of Disease of the Lachrymal Sac. By Dr. John Green. Mydriatics in Glaucoma. Two cases in which the Instillation of Atropine was directly followed by an outbreak of acute Glaucoma. By Dr. Hasket Derby.-Sympathetic Opthalmitis; abstract of history of forty-six cases. By Dr. Holmes. Case of Encephaloid Tumour springing from the Fundus of the Eye-ball, stimu lating Glaucoma. By Dr. Morton.-Relative Accommodation. By Edward G. Loring, Jun., M, D.-Suture of the Wound of Cornea after Flap Extraction: report of forty-four cases. By Henry W. Williams, M.D.-A Cystitome for the modified Linear Extraction. By Dr. G. Hay.-Inclination of the vertical meridian of the Eye-ball for the direction of Vision upward and outward. By Dr. G. Hay.-A point in the Physiology of Vision. By Dr. B. Joy Jeffries. -On a new series of test-letters for determining the acuteness of Vision. By Dr. John Green.-Retinitis in Glycosuria. By Henry D. Noyes, M.D.-A Case of Herpeszoster Opthalmicus in a patient nearly eighty years of age, causing fatal prostration. By Dr. B. Joy Jeffries, M.D.-Remarks on the Operation for Cataract by modified Linear Extraction: Gracie's Method. By Henry D. Noyes, M.D.-Enucleation of Eye for Sym pathetic Opthalmia. By Dr. J. F. Noyes.-Remarks upon the principle of the Thaumatrope. By Dr. B. Joy Jeffries.-Tests for the insuffici ency of the Recti Înterni Muscles. By E. G. Loring, Jun., M.D.-On the Cause of Anaesthesia of the Cornea and Radiating Fibres of the Iris, without Interocular Tension. By J. G. Hildreth, M.D.-Practical Observations on Extraction of Cataracts in Adults. By E. Williams.On a Colour Test for Astigmatism. By Dr, John Green.-On a New System of Tests for the Detection and Measurement of Astigmatism, with an Analysis of sixty-four cases of Refractive Anomalies observed by the aid of this method. By Dr, John Green.

Philosophical Society (Transactions of the AMERICAN). With 11 Plates of flustrations. 4to. sewed, pp. 104 £1 1s.

CONTENTS.- Synopsis of the Extinct Batrachia and Reptilis of North America. Part I. By Edward D. Cope, Corresponding Secre tary of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.


Abbott.-Old Testament Shadows of New TestaMENT TRUTHS. By LYMAN B. ABBOTT, Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, pp. 213. New York, 1870. 16s.

Agricultural.-American Agricultural Annual. 1870. A Farmer's Year Book, exhibiting recent progress in Agricultural Theory and Practice, and a Guide to present and future labours. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, pp. 152. New York, 1869. 3s. 6d.

Agriculture (Report of the Commissioner of),
for the year 1868. 8vo. cloth, pp. 672. With many Illus-
trations. Washington, 1869. 14s.

Alexander.-Life of J. A. Alexander. By H. C.
ALEXANDER, 2 vols. crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 903. New
York, 1870. £1 5s.

[blocks in formation]

LAWYER'S ALMANAC (THE), for the Year 1870.
Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. 199. New York, 1870. 10s.
and ORDO for 1870. 12mo. paper cover, pp. 120. New
York, 1870. 5s.

Alsop.-A Character of the Province of Maryland.
Described in Four distinct Parts. Also a small treatise on
the wild and naked Indians (or Susquehanokes) of Mary-
land, their Customs, Manners, Absurdities, and Religion.
Together with a Collection of Historical Letters.
GEORGE ALSOP. A new edition, with an Introduction and
copious Historical Notes by JOHN GILMARY SHEA, LL.D.,
Member of the New York Historical Society. 8vo. cloth,
pp. 126. New York, 1869. 12s. 6d.


Baehr. The Science of Therapeutics, according
to the Principles of Homœopathy. By BERNHARD Baehr,
M.D. Translated and edited by C. J. HAMPEL, M.D. 2
vols. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii, 635; vi. 751. New York, 1870.
£2 10s.

Bartholow.-Manual of Hypodermic Medication.
By ROBERTS BARTHOLOW, M.D. 12mo. cloth, pp. 150.
Philadelphia, 1870, 7s. 6d.

Beecher.-Overture of Angels. By HENRY WARD
BEECHER. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth gilt, pp. 55. New
York, 1870. 12s. 6d.

Second Series. BY HENRY WARD BEECHER. Svo. cloth, pp. 466. New York, 1870. 12s. 6d.

Beers.-Lacrosse, the National Game of Canada.
By W. G. BEERS. Sanctioned by the National Lacrosse
Association of Canada. Photographs. 12mo. cloth, pp.
256. New York, 1870. 10s.
Behind the Curtain; or, Leelinau.

12mo. cloth,

pp. 836. Boston, 1869. 6s. 6d.
Billings. Josh Billing's Farmer's Allminax, for
the year 1870. Being tew years since leap year, and ninety-
four years since the Amerikan people left Grate Brittain
tew take care of herself, and started a snug little bizziness
of their own, which I am instrukted tew state iz payin well.
Containing all that is necessary for an allminax, and a good
deal besides. 8vo. sewed, pp. 32. New York, 1870, 1s. 6d.
Bhagvat-Geeta (The), or Dialogues of Krěěshni
and Arjoon. In Eighteen Lectures, with Notes. Trans
lated from the original, in the Sanskreet, or ancient language
of the Brahmans, by CHARLES WILKINS, Senior Merchant
in the Service of the Honourable the East India Company,
in their Bengal Establishment. (London: Printed for C
Meurse, opposite Catherine-street, in the Strand, 1785.)
New York: Reprinted for George P. Philes, New York
University, 1867. 8vo. boards, pp. 118.

Breach of Trust; or, the Professor versus the
Possessor, 12mo. cloth. pp. 330. With Illustrations.
Boston, 1869. 6s. 6d.
Bresse.-Hydraulic Motors.
Translated by F. A. MAHAN, and revised by Prof. D. H.
MAHAN. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. 165. New York, 1870. 10.
Budd.-Good Order established in Pennsylvania
AND NEW JERSEY IN AMERICA; being a true Account
of the Country, with its Produce and Commodities there
made in the year 1685. By THOMAS BUDD. A New
Edition, with an Introduction and copious Historical Notes.
By EDWARD ARMSTRONG, Member of the Historical
Society of Pennsylvania. 8vo. cloth, pp. 112, New York,
1865. 12s. 6d.

Burr.-Pater Mundi; or, Modern Science testifying to the Heavenly Father. By Rev. E. F, BURR. Vol, I. 12mo. cloth, pp. 294. Boston, 1870. 7s. 6d.

Chamberlin.-American Commercial Law: relating to Every Kind of Business, with full Instructions and Practical Forms adapted to all the States of the Union. By FRANKLIN CHAMBERLIN. 8vo. boards, pp. 991. Hartford, Conn., 1870, £1 5s.

Charleston City Directory for 1870. Illustrated. 8vo. boards, pp. 300. Charleston, 1870. 18s. Christian Home Life. A Book of Examples and Principles. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 300. New York, 1870. 5s. Clark. Mirthfulness and its Exciters. By B. F. CLARK. 12mo. cloth, pp. 248, Boston, 1870. 7s. 6d. Clarkson.-A Biographical History of Claremont; or, Livingston Manor before and during the War of Independence. With a Sketch of the First Steam Navigation of Fulton and Livingston, By THOMAS S. CLARKSON. 8vo. cloth, pp. 315. Clermont, NJ., 1870. £2 10s. Clemens.-The Innocents Abroad; or, the New Pilgrim's Progress; being some account of the Steamship Quaker City's Pleasure Excursion to Europe and the Holy Land; with descriptions of Countries, Nations, Incidents, and Adventures, as they appeared to the author. With two hundred and thirty-four Illustrations. By MARK TWAIN (SAMUEL L. CLEMENS). 8vo. cloth, pp. 652. Hartford, 1869. £1 1s.

Collier. Everyday Subjects in Sunday Sermons. By R. L. COLLIER. 16mo. cloth, pp. 232. Boston, 1870. 7s. 6d.

Cowan. The Use of Tobacco, versus Purity,
16mo. cloth, pp. 96. New York, 1870. 4s.
Craven. Triumphs of Criticism.

A Critical and Paradox Work on the Bible. By M. B. CRAVEN, 8vo. sewed, pp. 64. Philadelphia, 1870. 1s. 6d. Currency. Report of the Comptroller of the CURRENCY, to the Second Session of the Forty-first Congress of the United States. December 6, 1869. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxxvi. and 602. Washington, 1869. 14s. Currency. The National Currency Act, with Amendments, and the Laws relating to Taxation of National Banks and Schedule of Stamp Duties, 1864-1869. 8vo. limp cloth, pp. 70. Washington, 1869. 2s. 6d. Curtis.-Life of Daniel Webster. By GEORGE TICKNOR CURTIS. Vol. 1. 8vo. cloth. pp. 589. New York, 1870. £1 5s.

Daisy Dell Series.-Shepherdess of Daisy Dell,
Rosa Dale's Friends, Alice and the Ox Goad, Work for
Play, Playing Soldier, and Sadie's Adventures. 6 vols.
32mo. cloth. Illustrated. Boston, 1869, 6s.
Deering.-Intemperance, its Financial, Physical,
Mental, Social, and Moral Evils, and its Cause and Remedy,
By THOS, W, DEERING, M.D. 16mo. cloth, pp. 112. New
York, 1870. 4s.

De Mille.-The B. O. W. C. A Book for Boys. By J. DE MILLE, author of the " Dodge Club." Illustrated. 16mo. cloth, pp. 322. Boston, 1870. 7s. 6d.

Denton. A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands, with the places thereunto adjoining. Likewise a brief relation of the Customs of the Indians there. By DANIEL DENTON. A new edition, with an Introduction and copious historical Notes. By GABRIEL FURMAN, Member of the New York Historical Society. 8vo, cloth, pp. 60. New York, 1845. 12s. 6d. Deutsch.-A New Practical Hebrew Grammar, with Hebrew-English and English-Hebrew Exercises and a Hebrew Chrestomathy. By SOLOMON DEUTSCH, A.M., Ph. D. 8vo. cloth, pp. 268. New York, 1868. 14s. De Vere.-The Great Empress. A Portrait. By M. SCHELE DE VERE, of the University of Virginia. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 398. Philadelphia, 1870. 8s. 6d. Doughty.-Mountains and Molehills, and other Stories. By Mrs. S. P. DOUGHTY. 16mo. cloth, pp. 192. Boston, 1870. 53.

Earthly House (Our) and its Builder; or, the Wisdom of God as displayed in the Body of Man. With numerous Engravings. 16mo, cloth, pp. 200. New York, 1870. 2s. 6d.

Edwards.-Life of Rossini. By H. S. EDWARDS. 16mo. cloth, pp. 358. Boston, 1870. 9s.

Ellet. The Court Circles of the Republic; or, the Beauties and Celebrities of the Nation; illustrating life and society under eighteen Presidents; describing the social features of the successive administrations, from Washington to Grant; the drawing-room circles; the prominent statesmen and leading ladies; the brilliant belles and distinguished visitors; the principal entertainments; fashionable styles of dress; manners, etiquette, anecdotes, incidents, etc. etc. Illustrated with fifteen original Portraits, splendidly engraved on steel. By Mrs. E. F. ELLET, with Sketches by Mrs. R. E. MACK. 8vo. cloth gilt, pp. 586. Hartford, 1869. £1 1s. Ellington. The Women of New York; or, the Under World of the Great City. By G. ELLINGTON. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, pp. 630. New York, 1870. 18s. Embury-Poems. By EMMA C. EMBURY. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xii, and 368. New York, 1870. 12s. 6d, Emerson.-The Choral Tribute. New Church Music. By L. O. EMERSON. Oblong 16mo, boards, pp. 400. Boston, 1870. 73. 6d.

Fairy Egg (The) and What it Held. By Three Friends. Illustrated. 16mo. cloth, pp. 164. Boston, 1870. 7s. 6d.

Fisher.-Essays on the Supernatural Origin of
CHRISTIANITY, By Rev. G. P. FISHER. Enlarged Edition.
8vo. cloth, pp. 620. New York, 1870. 18s.
French.-Historical Collections of Louisiana and
FLORIDA, including Translations of Original Manuscripts
relating to their Discovery and Settlement, with numerous
Historical and Biographical Notes. By B. F. FRENCH,
Member of the Louisiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New
York, and Massachusetts Historical Societies. New Series,
8vo. cloth, pp. 362. New York, 1869. 10s. 6d.
Fulton.-Woman as God made Her: the True
Woman. By Rev. J. D. FULTON (Tremont Temple,
Boston). 16mo. cloth, pp. 262. Boston, 1869. 5s.
Goodrich.-Peter Parley's Merry Stories.


S. G. GOODRICH. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth, pp. 388. New York, 1870, 10s.

Goodrich.-Peter Parley's Thousand and One STORIES. BY S. G. GOODRICH. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth, pp. 380. New York, 1870. 10s.

Hamilton.-Reminiscences of James A. Hamilton; or, Men and Events, at home and abroad, during three quarters of a century. 8vo. cloth, pp. x. and 648. New York, 1869. £1 5s.


By Rev. L. L. HAMLIN. Edited by Rev. F. G. HIBBARD. 12mo. cloth, pp. 432. Cincinnati, 1870, 10s.

Happy Voices.-New Hymns and Tunes, with many popular and sterling old ones, for the home circle and Sabbath-schools. Oblong 12mo. boards, pp. 176. New York, 1870. 2s. Harcourt.-Rambles through the British Isles. By Rev. R. HARCOURT. Illustrated, 12mo. cloth, pp. 349. New York, 1870. 8s. 6d.

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Harvard. The Gospel of the Kingdom: a Kingdom not of this World, not in this World, but to Come in the Heavenly Country, of the Resurrection from the Dead, and of the Restitution of all Things. By SENIOR HARVARD. 8vo. cloth, pp. 463. Philadelphia, 1870. 15s. Hatfield. The Bryant Homestead-Book. JULIA HATFIELD. Illustrated. 4to. pp. 224, cloth and morocco gilt. New York, 1870. £1 10s. and £2 10s. Hegel.-Hegel's First Principle: an Exposition of Comprehension and Idea (Begriff und Idee). Translated from the German of G. W. F. HEGEL, and accompanied with an Introduction and explanatory Notes, by WILLIAM T. HARRIS, 8vo. sewed, pp. 82, St, Louis, 1869. 18.

Helps and Hindrances to the Cross. 12mo. cloth, pp. 356. Boston, 1870. 6s. 6d.

Holliday. A Bible Handbook, Theologically Arranged for finding Proof-Texts on the Leading Doctrines of the Bible. By F. C. HOLLIDAY, D.D. 12mo. cloth, pp. 332. Cincinnati, 1870. 7s. 6d.

Holloway. The Ladies of the White House. By LAURA C. HOLLOWAY. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, pp. 656. New York, 1870. £1 10s. Horticultural.-American Horticultural Annual. 1870. A year-book of Horticultural Progress for the Professional and Amateur Gardener, Fruit Grower, and

Florist. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth, pp. 152. New York,

1870. 3s. 6d.

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Howard.-Book of Conundrums and Riddles. By C. J. HowARD. 16mo. boards, p. 162. New York, 1870. 2s. 6d.

Hull. The Question Settled. A Comparison of Biblical and Modern Spiritualism. By Rev. MOSES HULL. 12mo. cloth, pp. 235. Boston, 1870. 7s. 6d. Hunt.-Volcanoes and Earthquakes. Abstract of a Lecture by Pofessor T. STERRY HUNT, LL.D., F.R.S., delivered before the American Geographical and Statistical Society, April 22, 1869. 8vo. sewed, pp. 10. New York, 1869. 1s.

The Fine Arts applied to the Useful Arts. Report by the Committes: Frank Leslie, S. F. B. Morse, Thomas W. Evans, United States Commissioners. Illustrated, 8vo. sewed, pp. 44 and 8 (52). Washington, 1868. Lewis. The Pathology of Bright's Disease. By WM. B. LEWIS, M.D. Illustrated. 16mo. paper cover, pp. 29. New York, 1869. 1s. 6d.

Living Questions (The) of the Age. By an American Citizen. 12mo. cloth. pp. 297. Chicago, 1870. 7s. 6d.

Lowell. The Cathedral.

By JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. 16mo. cloth, pp. 53. Boston, 1870. 6s. 6d. Martyn.-The Dutch Reformation: a History of the Struggle in the Netherlands for Civil and Religious Liberty, in the Sixteenth Century. By W. CARLOS MAR TYN. Crown 8vo. cloth. pp. 824. New York, 1870. 7s. 6d. Maryland. Reports of Cases in the Court of APPEALS OF MARYLAND. Vol. XXIX. 8vo. bound, pp. xii. and 673. Baltimore, 1870. £1 10s. Maverick. Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press, for Thirty Years. Progress of American Journalism from 1840 to 1870. With Portrait, Illustrations, and Appendix. By AUGUSTUS MAVERICK. STO. cloth, pp. 502. With Portrait of Mr. Raymond, Facsimiles of Letters, Newspapers, &c. Hartford, 1870. 15s. Merrill.-Iron Truss Bridges. Method of Calculating Strains, etc. By BREVET COL. W. E. MERRILL, U.S.A. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, pp. 130. New York, 1870. £1 5s.

Hyacinthe. Discourses on Various Occasions by Michigan.-Reports of Cases in the Supreme

the Reverend Father HYACINTHE, late Superior of the Barefooted Carmelites of Paris, and Preacher of the Conference of Notre Dame. Translated by LEONARD WOOLSEY BACON, Pastor of a Church of Christ in Brooklyn, New York. With a Biographical Sketch and Portrait of the Author. 12mo. cloth, pp. xliv. and 198. New York, 1869. Illinois. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court

OF ILLINOIS. By N. C. FREEMAN. Vols. 45 and 46. 8vo. bound, pp. 586, 604. Chicago, 1870. £1 12s. each vol. Indiana. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court OF INDIANA, By J. B. BLACK. Vol. 30. 8vo. bound, pp. xiv., 596. Indianapolis, 1870. £1 10s. Jackson-How to treat the Sick without Medicine. By JAMES C. JACKSON. M.D., Physician-in-Chief of our Home on the Hill-side, Dansville, Livingston County, New York. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 538. With Portrait of the Author and View of his Residence. Dansville (New York), 1869. 15s.

Kapp.-Geschichte der deutschen Einwanderung IN AMERIKA. By F. KAPP. Vol. 1. 8vo. cloth, pp. 416. New York, 1870. 7s. 6d.

Kentucky-Hugh's Report of Cases in the Supreme

COURT AND IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF KENTUCKY. Edited by HENRY MYERS. 8vo. bound, pp. xv. and 450. Cincinnati, 1870. £2.

Kentucky.-Sneed's Decisions of the Court of APPEALS OF KENTUCKY. Edited with Notes by HENRY MYERS. 8vo. bound, pp. xiii., 408. Cincinnati, 1870. £1 12s. Kidder. Vital Resources; or, How to become Physiologically Younger and Stronger. By JEROME KIDDER. 16mo. cloth. pp. 165. New York, 1870. 7s. 6d. Knapp-A Treatise on Intraocular Tumors. From Original Observations. With Plates. By H. KNAPP, M.D. Translated by S. COLE, M.D. 8vo. cloth, pp. 323. New York, 1870. 18s.

Lange. Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical COMMENTARY ON PROVERBS, ECCLESIASTES, AND THE SONG OF SOLOMON. By J. P. LANGE. Translated from the German. 8vo. cloth, pp. vi. and 135. New York, 1870. £1 5s.

Lea. Studies in Church History: Temporal Power, Benefit of Clergy, Excommunication. By H. C. LEA. 12mo. cloth, pp. 515. Philadelphia, 1870. 15s. Leslie. Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Reports of the United States Commissioners. Report on the Fine Arts, by FRANK LESLIE, United States Commissioner.

COURT OF MICHIGAN. By W. JENNISON. Vol. V., or Vol. XVIII. of the Series. 8vo, bound, pp. viii. and 608. Detroit, 1870. £1 8s.

Miller. A Description of the Province and City OF NEW YORK, with Plans of the City and several Forts, as they existed in the year 1695. By JOHN MILLER, A New Edition, with an Introduction and copious Historical Notes. By JOHN GILMARY SHEA, LL.D., Member of the New York Historical Society. 8vo. cloth, pp. 128. New York, 1862. 12s. 6d.

Mitten. The Six Mitten Books. By Aunt Fanny, author of "Night Cap Stories," etc. 1. Mittens; 2. Little Mittens; 3. More Mittens; 4. The Two Story Mittens; 5. New Little Mittens; 6. The Orphan's Home Mittens. With many Illustrations. 12mo. cloth, pp. 150, 168, 162, 148, 164, and 138. New York, 1869. In Box. £1 10s.

Moncrieff.-The Schoolboy Hero; or, Arthur Fortescue. By ROBERT HOPE MONCRIEFF. 16mo. cloth, pp. 118. Philadelphia, 1870. 2s. 6d.

Murray. A Treatise on Proceedings in the UNITED STATES COURTS. With Forms and Appendix. By J. A. MURRAY. 8vo. bound, pp. 188. Albany, 1870. 15s. Nash.-Bay Leaves, and other Poems. By GILBERT NASH. 16mo. cloth, pp. viii., 394. Boston, 1870. 7s. 6d.

Nat the Navigator.-A Life of Nathaniel Bowditch for Young Persons. Illustrated. 16mo. cloth, pp. 192. Boston, 1870. 5s.

New York.-Reports of Cases in the Court of APPEALS of New York. By S. HAND, Vol. 40. Svo. bound, pp. xxiii., 634. New York, 1870. 15s. Nourse. The Maritime Canal of Suez: Brief Memoir of the enterprise from its earliest date, and com parison of its probable results with those of a ship canal across Darien. By J. E. NOURSE, U.S.N. With Map from plates of Suez Canal Company, letter from Lesseps, his likeness and autograph. 8vo. sewed, pp. 58. Washington, 1870. 2s. 6d.

Noyes. History of American Socialisms. By JOHN HUMPHREY NOYES. 8vo. cloth, pp. vi. and 678. Philadelphia and London, 1870. 18s.

Noyes. Specialties in Medicine. By HENEY D. MOYES, M.D. (Contained in the 1865 Part of the Transactions of the American Opthalmological Society). PP, 15, New York, 1865. 58.

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