applicable standards for such livestock or product in Subpart B of this part. (u) Quality. A combination of the inherent properties of livestock or product which determines its relative degree of excellence. (v) Compliance. Conformity of livestock or a product to the specifications under which the livestock or product was purchased or sold, with particular reference to the weight, quality or other characteristics of livestock, and to the quality, cleanliness, state of refrigeration, method of processing, and trim of products. (w) Standards. The standards of the Department contained in Subpart B of this part. (x) Specifications. Descriptions with respect to the class, grade, other quality, quantity or condition of livestock or products, approved by the Administrator, and available for use by the industry regardless of the origin of the descriptions. (y) Products. Meats, prepared meats, meat by-products, or meat food products. (z) Animals. Cattle, sheep, swine, or goats. (aa) Carcass. The commercially prepared or dressed body of any animal intended for human food. (bb) Meat. This edible part of the muscle of an animal, which is skeletal, or which is found in the tongue, in the diaphragm, in the heart, or in the esophagus, and which is intended for human food, with or without the accompanying and overlying fat and the portions of bone, skin, sinew, nerve, and blood vessels which normally accompany the muscle tissue and which are not separated from it in the process of dressing. This term does not include the muscle found in the lips, snout, or ears. (cc) Prepared meats. The products intended for human food which are obtained by subjecting meat to drying, curing, smoking, cooking, grinding, seasoning, or flavoring, or to any combination of such procedures, and to which no considerable quantity of any substance other than meat or meat by-products has been added. (dd) Meat by-products. All edible parts (other than meat and prepared meats) intended for human food, derived from one or more animals, and including but not limited to such organs and parts as livers, kidneys, sweetbreads, brains, lungs, spleens, stomachs, tripe, lips, snouts, and ears. (ee) Meat food products. Any articles intended for human food (other than meat, prepared meats, and meat byproducts) which are derived or prepared, in whole or in substantial and definite part, from any portion of any animal, except such articles as organotherapeutic substances, meat juice, meat extract, and the like, which are only for medicinal purposes and are advertised only to the medical profession. (ff) Processing. Drying, curing, smoking, cooking, seasoning, or flavoring or any combination of such processes, with or without fabricating. (gg) Fabricating. Cutting into wholesale or retail cuts, or dicing or grinding. (hh) Immediate container. The carton, can, pot, tin, casing, wrapper, or other receptacle or covering constituting the basic unit in which products are directly contained or wrapped when packed in the customary manner for delivery to the meat trade or to con sumers. (ii) Shipping container. The receptacle or covering in which one or more immediate containers of products are packed for transportation. (jj) Cooperative agreement. A cooperative agreement between the Agricultural Marketing Service and another Federal agency or a State agency, or other agency, organization or person as specified in the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, as amended, for conducting the service. (kk) Federal meat inspection. The meat inspection system conducted under the Federal Meat Inspection Act, as amended by the Wholesome Meat Act (21 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) and the regulations thereunder (9 CFR Chapter III, Subchapter A). (11) Livestock. Bouine, ouine, porcine. (mm) Yield grade. The designation related to the quantity of trimmed, boneless, major retail cuts to be derived from the carcass or wholesale cuts-rounds or legs, loins, ribs, or racks, and chucks or shoulders-referred to as yield grade in Subpart B of this part. (nn) Quality grade. An important commercial subdivision of livestock or meat based on separate evaluations of two general considerations: (1) The quality or the palatability-indicating characteristics of lean and (2) the conformation of the carcass or primal cut. (oo) Legal holiday. Those days designated as legal public holidays in title 5, United States Code, section 6103 (a). (pp) Carcass Data Service. The service established and conducted under the regulations to provide producers and other interested persons with data on carcass characteristics. [24 FR. 5280, June 30, 1959, as amended at 30 FR. 4157, Mar. 31, 1965; 84 FR. 19387, Dec. 6, 1969; 36 FR 79301, Oct. 2, 1971; 38 FR 23313, Aug. 29, 1973] § 53.2 Designation of official certificates, memoranda, marks, other identifications, and devices for purposes of the Agricultural Marketing Act. Subsection 203 (h) of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, as amended by Public Law 272, 84th Congress, provides criminal penalties for various specified offenses relating to official certificates, memoranda, marks or other identifications, and devices for making such marks or identifications, issued or authorized under section 203 of said act, and certain misrepresentations concerning the inspection or grading of agricultural products under said section. For the purposes of said subsection and the provisions in this part, the terms listed below shall have the respective meanings specified: (a) "Official certificate" means any form of certification, either written or printed, including that prescribed in § 53.16, used under the regulations to certify with respect to the inspection, class, grade, quality, size, quantity, or condition of products (including the compliance of livestock or products with applicable specifications). (b) "Official memorandum" means any initial record of findings made by an authorized person in the process of grading, determining compliance, inspecting, or sampling pursuant to the regulations, any processing or plantoperation report made by an authorized person in connection with grading, determining compliance, inspecting, or sampling under the regulations, and any report made by an authorized person of services performed pursuant to the regulations. (c) "Official mark" or "other official identification" means any form of mark or other identification, including those prescribed in § 53.19, used under the regulations in marking any products, or the immediate or shipping containers thereof, to show inspection, class, grade, quality, size, quantity, or condition of the products (including the compliance of products with applicable specifications), or to maintain the identity of products for which service is provided under the regulations. (d) "Official device" means any roller, stamp, brand or other device used under the regulations to mark any products, or the immediate or shipping containers, thereof, with any official mark or other official identification. 124 FR 5280, June 30, 1959, as amended at 30 FR 4157, Mar. 31, 1965] Grading service under the regulations shall consist of the determination and certification and other identification, upon request by the applicant, of the class, grade, or other quality of livestock or products under applicable standards in Subpart B of this part. Class, grade and other quality may be determined under said standards for livestock or meat of cattle, sheep, or swine in carcass form or for wholesale cuts of such meat, other than pork wholesale cuts. Acceptance service under the regulations shall consist of the determination of the conformity of livestock or products to specifications approved by the Director or Chief and the certification and other identification of such livestock or products in accordance with specifications, upon request by the applicant. Determination as to product compliance with specifications for ingredient content or method of preparation may be based upon information received from the inspection system having jurisdiction over the products involved. The Carcass Data Service, under the regulations, shall consist of the evaluation of carcass characteristics, in accordance with applicable official United States Standards which appear in Title 7, Chapter I, Part 53 of the Code of Federal Regulations (7 CFR Part 53), of carcasses of animals identified with the official eartag as shown in § 53.19, the recording of such data, and transmittal of the data to, or as directed by, the applicant for the service. [38 FR 23313, Aug. 29, 1973] § 53.5 Availability of service. Service under these regulations may be made available with respect to livestock or products shipped or received in interstate commerce, and with respect to the livestock or products not so shipped or received if the Director or Chief determines that the furnishing of service for such livestock or products would facilitate the marketing, distribution, processing, or utilization of agricultural products through commercial channels. Also, such service may be made available under a cooperative agreement. Service under these regulations shall be provided without discrimination as to race, color, sex, creed, or national origin. Service will be furnished for products only if they were derived from animals slaughtered in federally inspected establishments or operated under State meat inspection in a State other than one designated in 9 CFR 331.2. Service under these regulations will be furnished for imported meat only if it is marked so that the name of the country of origin appears on most of the major retail cuts. The mark of foreign origin shall be imprinted by roller brand or handstamp and shall be applied so that the imprint is at least 2 inches from the backbone of lamb, 3 inches from the backbone of veal and calf, and 4 inches from the backbone of beef carcasses. The mark of foreign origin shall be repeated parallel to the backbone of the carcass so as to appear on each round, rump, full loin, rib, and chuck of each bovine and ovine carcass in letters at least one-fourth of an inch high, with no more than threefourths of an inch space between impressions. Imprints of each such brand shall be submitted to the Chief for the determination of compliance with these regulations prior to use of the brand on meats offered for Federal grading. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to notify the meat grader performing the service whenever imported meat is offered for grading. [38 FR 23313, Aug. 29, 1973] 9 under the regulations with respect to livestock or products in which the applicant is financially interested. The application shall be made on a form approved by the Director. In any case in which the service is intended to be furnished at an establishment not operated by the applicant, the application shall be approved by the operator of such establishment and such approval shall constitute an authorization for any employees of the Department to enter the establishment for the purpose of performing their functions under the regulations. The application shall state: (1) The name and address of the establishment at which service is desired; (2) the name and post office address of the applicant; (3) the financial interest of the applicant in the livestock or products, except where application is made by an official of a Government agency in his official capacity; and (4) the signature of the applicant (or the signature and title of his representative). The application shall indicate the legal status of the applicant as an individual, partnership, corporation, or other form of legal entity. Any change in such status, at any time while service is being received, shall be promptly reported to the Director or Chief by the person receiving the service. (b) Notice of eligibility for service. The applicant for service at any establishment will be notified whether his application is approved. (c) Request by applicant for service— (1) Noncommitment. Upon notification of the approval on an application for service, the applicant may, from time to time as desired, make oral or written requests for service under the regulations with respect to specific livestock or products for which the service is to be furnished under such application. Such requests shall be made at an office for grading either directly or through any employee of the Agricultural Marketing Service who may be designated for such purposes. (2) Commitment. If desired, the applicant may enter into an agreement with the Agricultural Marketing Service for the furnishing of service on a weekly commitment basis, whereby the applicant agrees to pay for 8 hours of service per day, 5 days per week, Monday through Friday, as provided in § 53.29(b), and the Agricultural Marketing Service agrees to make an official grader available to perform such service for the applicant. However, the Agricultural Marketing Service reserves the right to use any grader assigned to a plant under such a commitment to perform service for other applicants, when, in the opinion of the Chief, the grader is not needed to perform service for the applicant. An applicant who terminates a commitment, and within 1 year after cancellation is granted a new commitment at his request, shall pay for the moving costs actually incurred by the Agricultural Marketing Service to cover the transfer of the grader who will service the applicant's new commitment. If more than one applicant is involved in the reapplication for a canceled meat grading commitment requiring the transfer of the grader, the moving costs will be prorated among the applicants according to each applicant's committed portion of the grader's services. However, the moving costs will be charged only to those applicants who were parties to the previously canceled commitment. An applicant may, for periods of 3 months or less, enter into an agreement by memorandum with the Agricultural Marketing Service for the furnishing of service on a weekly basis. In the latter case, transfer of graders would not be involved and charges will be made in accordance with § 53.29. [38 FR 23314, Aug. 29, 1973] § 53.9 Order of furnishing service. Service under the regulations shall be furnished to applicants in the order in which requests therefor are received, insofar as consistent with good management, efficiency and economy. Precedence will be given, when necessary, to requests made by any government agency or any regular user of the service, and to requests for appeal service under § 53.22. § 53.10 When request for service deemed made. A request for service under the regulations shall be deemed to be made when received by an office of grading. Records showing the date and time of the request shall be made and kept in such office. However, in the case of the Carcass Data Service, the purchase of official USDA eartags shall constitute a request for such service and the requisition form used to purchase the eartags shall be kept in the designated office of record. [38 FR 23314, Aug. 29, 1973] § 53.11 Withdrawal of application or request for service. An application or a request for service under the regulations may be withdrawn by the applicant at any time before the application is approved or prior to performance of service, upon payment, in accordance with §§ 53.29 and 53.30, of any expenses already incurred by the Agricultural Marketing Service in connection therewith. [24 FR 5280, June 30, 1959; 38 FR 23313, Aug. 29, 1973] § 53.12 Authority of agent. Proof of the authority of any person making an application or a request for service under the regulations on behalf of any other person may be required at the discretion of the Director or Chief or the official in charge of the office of grading or other employee receiving the application or request under § 53.8. [24 F.R. 5280, June 30, 1959, as amended at 30 F.R. 4157, Mar. 31, 1965] § 53.13 Denial or withdrawal of service. (a) For misconduct-(1) Bases for denial or withdrawal. An application or a request for service may be rejected, or the benefits of the service may be otherwise denied to, or withdrawn from, any person who, or whose employee or agent in the scope of his employment or agency, (i) has wilfully made any misrepresentation or has committed any other fraudulent or deceptive practice in connection with any application or request for service under the regulations; (ii) has given or attempted to give, as a loan or for any other purpose, any money, favor, or other thing of value, to any employee of the Department authorized to perform any function under the regulations; (iii) has interfered with or obstructed, or attempted to interfere with or to obstruct, any employee of the Department in the performance of his duties under the regulations by intimidation, threats, assaults, abuse, or any other improper means; (iv) has knowingly falsely made, issued, altered, forged, or counterfeited any official certificate, memorandum, mark, or other identification, or device for making any such mark or identification; (v) has knowingly uttered, published, or used as true any such falsely made, issued, altered, forged, or counterfeited certificate, memorandum, mark, identification, or device; (vi) has knowingly obtained or retained possession of any such falsely made, issued, altered, forged, or counterfeited certificate, memorandum, mark, identification, or device, or of any such official device, or of any product bearing any such falsely made, issued, altered, forged, or counterfeited mark or identification, or of any carcass or wholesale or retail cut bearing any designation specified in subdivision (vii) of this subparagraph which has not been federally graded or derived from a carcass graded as being of the indicated grade: (vii) has applied the designation "Prime," "Choice," "Good," "Standard," "Commercial," "Utility," "Cutter," "Canner," "Cull," "Medium," "No. 1," "No. 2," "No. 3," "No. 4," "yield Grade 1," "yield, Grade 2," "Yield Grade 3," "Yield Grade 4," or "Yield Grade 5" by stamp, or brand directly on any carcass, wholesale cut, or retail cut of any carcass, as part of a grade designation; or (viii) has applied to immediate containers or shipping containers of carcasses, wholesale cuts, or retail cuts, grade designations specified in paragraph (a) (1) (vii) of this section, when such carcasses, wholesale cuts, or retail cuts contained therein have not been federally graded; or (ix) has in any manner not specified in this paragraph violated subsection 203 (h) of the Act: Provided, That paragraph (a) (1) (vi) of this section shall not be deemed to be violated if the person in possession of any item mentioned therein notifies the Director or Chief without delay that he has possession of such item and, in the case of an official device, surrenders it to the Chief, and, in the case of any other item, surrenders it to the Director or Chief or destroys it or brings it into compliance with the regulations by obliterating or removing the violative features under supervision of the Director or Chief: And provided, further, That paragraph (a) (1) (ii) through (viii) of this section shall not be deemed to be violated by any act committed by any person prior to the making of an application for service under the regulations by the principal person. An application or a request for service may be rejected, or the benefits of the service may be otherwise denied to, or withdrawn from, any person who operates an establishment for which he has made application for service if, with the knowledge of such operator, any other person conducting any operations in such establishment has committed any of the offenses specified in paragraph (a) (1) (i) through (ix) of this section after such application was made. Moreover, an application or a request for service made in the name of a person otherwise eligible for service under the regulations may be rejected, or the benefits of the service may be otherwise denied to, or withdrawn from, such a person (a) in case the service is or would be performed at an establishment operated (1) by a corporation, partnership, or other person from whom the benefits of the service are currently being withheld under this paragraph, or (2) by a corporation, partnership, or other person having an officer, director, partner, or substantial investor from whom the benefits of the service are currently being withheld and who has any authority with respect to the establishment where service is or would be performed, or (b) in case the service is or would be performed with respect to any livestock or product in which any corporation, partnership, or other person within paragraph (a)(1) (ix) (a) (1) of this section has a contract or other financial interest. (2) Procedure. All cases arising under this paragraph shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of practice governing withdrawal of inspection and grading service under the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 as contained in Part 50 of this chapter. (b) For miscellaneous reasons. An application or a request for service may be rejected, or the benefits of the service may be otherwise denied to, or withdrawn from, any person, without a hearing, by the official in charge of the appropriate office of grading, with the concurrence of the Director or Chief (1) for administrative reasons such as the nonavailability of personnel to perform the service; (2) for the failure to pay for service; (3) in case the application or request relates to livestock or products which are not eligible for service under § 53.5, or which are unclean or are in an unclean establishment; (4) for other noncompliance with the conditions on which service is available as provided in the regulations, except matters covered by paragraph |