Front cover image for The history of Atlantis

The history of Atlantis

The romantic legend of Atlantis has captured imaginations since Plato first told of a glorious island in the Atlantic that sank beneath the waves. Speculation has abounded ever since, and scientists who formerly dismissed the possibility of that Atlantis ever existed were obliged to reconsider--partly because of the author of this book. Lewis Spence (1874-1955) wrote five books about Atlantis, and this one is considered his best. Spence sifted through a tremendous body of research in fields from mythology and comparative religion to geography, geology, and archeology. The result is the most authoritative study ever published on the history, geography, animal life, government, and religion of this fabled island
Print Book, English, 2003
Dover Publications, Mineola, N.Y., 2003
238 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
9780486427102, 0486427102
Difference between Atlantean and other Histories
Inspiration in Historical Science
The Uses of Analogy
Foundations of Atlantean History
Plato's Narrative not Allegorical
The Value of Tradition
The Atlantean Complex
Special Needs of Atlantean Research
The Sources of Atlantean History
The Writings of Plato
Plato's "Timaeus" and its Contents
His "Critias"
His Account of Atlantis, its Topography, its Capital City, Population, Canals and Temples
Its Government, Economy and Religion
The Sources of Atlantean History
From the Fourth Century B.C. Onwards
Diodorus Siculus on Amazons and Atlanteans
Theopompus's Account
The Kings of Atlantis
Strabo's Isle of Meropis
The Continent of Saturnia
Marcellus on Atlantis
Arnobius' Reference
Summary of Remaining Classical Data
Platonic and Alexandrian Notions of Atlantis
Modern Theories from the Sixteenth Century onward. Theories of Olivier, Rudbeck, Bailly, Comte de Corli, Voltaire, Delisle de Sales and Bartoli
Theory that Atlantis was America
Atlases of Atlantean Geography
The Theories of Kircher, Ginguene, Buffon and De La Borde
Atlantean Historical Sources Examined
Modern Theories on the Subject of the Sources
Plato's Statements Regarding the Authenticity of His Account
Plato in Egypt
Solon's Egyptian Visit
Connection of Sais with Athens
Archaeological Facts square with Plato's Account
Clue to the Historical Character of Plato's Account
The Peplum of Pallas
Justification of Plato's Statements
Atlantean Associations in the Odyssey
Testimony of Classical Authors Regarding Impassibility of Atlantic Ocean
Moorish Evidence
Details of the "Critias"
Elephants and Coconuts in Atlantis
Worship of the Bull
The "Critias" not an Allegory of the Persian War
The Account of Diodorus
Amazons and Azilians
Classical "Geological" Opinion regarding Atlantis. Philip Smith on Atlantean Theory
Plato's Chronology
M. Butavand on the same
The Geography of Atlantis
Geological Proof of its Existence
The Quaternary Epoch
M. P. Termier's Essay
Plato's Theory "Highly Probable"
Prof. Schuchert on the Azores
Prof. Scharff's Belief in Atlantean Man
Prof. Hull on Beginnings of Life in Atlantis
"Comparatively Recent" Land-mass in the Atlantic
Mr. W. H. Babcock's Objections
Atlantic Soundings
Mr. Babcock on Submarine Banks
"A Considerable Island above Water"
Evidence from Biology
Animal Life on the Azores
European Character of their Reptilia
Slugs and Moths of the Atlantic Islands
Author's former Conclusions Tabulated
The Sargasso Sea
The Site of Atlantis
The Races of Atlantis
Was Atlantis Inhabited?
The Gsnitch Stadium of Penck and Bruckner
The Azilian Race
Discovery of its Remains in France
Its Culture
Its "Alphabet"
Spread of the Azilian Race
Pygmy Flints
The Capsian Culture. Whence Came the Azilians?
Period of their Arrival Agrees with Plato's Date for Atlantean Invasion
The Cro-Magnon Race
"Palaeolithic Greeks"
Their Extraordinary Art
A High Type of Humanity
Belief in a Future Life
Painting and Sculptures Superior to the Egyptian
Successive Invasions of Europe from the Atlantic
Professor Macalister on Extra-European Origin of the Cro-Magnon Race
Relationship with the Guanches of the Canary Islands, the Vestiges of Atlantis
Ripley's Theory of the Cro-Magnon Language
Origin of Cro-Magnon Man
Of Azilian Man
The Stone Age in Atlantis
Can Best be Reconstructed from the Life of its Colonists in Europe
Area and Population of Atlantis
Early Human Society in Atlantis
Temples the Centres of Life
Costumes and Ornaments of Early Atlanteans
Tools and Weapons
The Solutrean Culture
Stone Houses Built
Return of Glacial Conditions
Magical Implements
Atlantis the Home of Mighty Artistic Impulses. Knowledge of Metals not Essential to Civilisation
Atlantean Civilisation Degenerated in Europe
Did a Great Prehistoric Civilisation Exist?
Partly Corroborated by Archaeology
Cultural Changes in Atlantis
Atlantis Itself Invaded by an African Race
Result, a Grosser Religious Outlook
When did Atlantis Sink?
Centuries of Culture behind Aurignacian Art
The Kings of Atlantis
The Sons of Poseidon
Uranus and His Children
Diodorus applies War of Gods and Titans to Myth of Atlantis
Cultural and Political Changes in Atlantis
No Ice Age in Atlantis
Azilians the Race of Poseidon
Poseidon the Culture-bringer
His Original Home
Sketch of Historical Events in Atlantis
The Several Cataclysms
Poseidon, and Tales Similar to His Myths
Diodorus on the Kings of Atlantis
Basilea "The Great Mother"
Atlas the Astrologer
City of Atlantis Probably Founded in His Reign
Question of Atlantean Architecture
Azilian Structures in Spain. Anglo-Spanish School of Archaeology
Atlantean Architecture in Andalusia
Saturn and Jupiter Dispute the Throne of Atlantis
The Elements of Unrest Begin to Manifest Themselves in Jupiter's Reign
Poseidon, Atlas, Saturn and Jupiter Possibly the Founders of Dynasties
Not Gods, But Men Deified after Death
Zeus Displeased with the Atlanteans
End of Plato's Account
Dissensions at Home Diverted by Conquest Abroad
Invasion of Europe
Atlantis in Britain
Corroboration of Atlantean Conditions from Welsh and Irish Literature
Analogies of Cataclysm from these Sources
The "Whirling Castle"
The Atlantean Circular Plan
Atlantis and Avallon
Plato's Account and the Welsh San Greal
Submerged Localities of British Celts
Atlas, Albion and Iberius
The Myth of Geryon
British Parallels with Atlantis
Plutarch on the Lesser Islands of Britain
Atlantean Memories in Irish Tradition
The Traditions of Atlantis
Atlantean Tradition in Europe. The Isle of Seven Cities
The Legend of Ys
Deucalion, the Greek Noah
Atlantean Parallels in American Myth
The Cataclysms of Aztec Tradition
Peruvian and Brazilian Flood-Myths
Brinton on American Tradition of Deluge
A Mixtec Legend
Mexican Myths
Tlaloc Compared with Poseidon
Divine Visitations on the Toltecs
Quetzalcoatl the Culture-Bringer
His Connection with Atlantis
Compared with Atlas
Life in Atlantis
Reconstruction of Conditions on Atlantis
Desert Regions
The Plan of the City of Atlantis
The Pyramid an Atlantean Form
Costume and Dress
Literature and Writing
The Azilian Alphabet
Obviously Picture-Writing
No Reason to Deny Atlanteans the Art of Picture-Writing
Manners and Morality of Atlanteans
Reminiscences of Their Profligacy in Early Myth
The Atlantean State and Polity
The Atlantean Laws Unchangeable. Atlantean Government Closely Associated with Religion, but also on a Feudal Basis
Atlantis in a State of Armed Vigilance
Atlantean Government unlike any of the "Classical" Governments of Antiquity
It Resembles, however, Celtic Rule in Gaul and Britain
The Religion of Atlantis
Six-Yearly Rites Attending Deliberations of the Kings
Immolation of the Sacred Bulls
A Mexican Analogy
The Bull-Cult of the Aurignacians
Bull-Worship in Egypt and the Osirian Cult
Spread of the Worship of Osiris-Apis throughout Europe to Britain
An Atlantean Genesis for the Bull-Cult
Plato's Account perhaps Sophisticated by Hellenic Practice
The Bull the Beast of Poseidon
A Provisional Atlantean Pantheon
Poseidon's Origin
The Definite Association of Atlas with his Brother Titans, the Tutelary Deities of Britain and Ireland
Invasion of Olympus by Titanic Gods from the West, an Allegory of the Invasion of the Mediterranean Area by the Gods of an Alien Religion. Persistence of the Name of Atlas and His Island
Notices of the Titanic Pantheon the Memorials of an Ancient and Powerful Religion
Sanctity of the Western Oceanic Area to the Mediterranean Peoples
Locality of the Fortunate Islands and the Gardens of the Hesperides
The Idea of the Continued Existence of Souls after Death in the West arising out of the Memory of Atlantis
The Location in the West of the Island of the Dead by the Peoples of Western and Mediterranean Europe a Proof that they Regarded it as the Ancient Home of their Religion and Culture
Man's Paradise Always Regarded as that Spot Whence He Originally Came
A Well-Founded Memory of the Former Existence of a Great Religion in the Atlantic Region
The Atlantean Pantheon Associated with the Constellations
The Idea of a Cosmic Symphony in the Writings of Plato
The Association of the Atlantean Religion with Astrology
Astrology of the Aztecs
Probable Emanation from Atlantis
The Aztec Tonalmatl. Equation of the Aztec Calendar-Gods with Members of the Atlantean Pantheon
Quetzalcoatl the Inventor of the Mexican Astrological System
His Western Origin
The Older Eponymous Gods of Europe
European Giant-Lore
Connection of the Titans with Earthquake
The Azilian Giant-Worshippers
Battle of the Gods and Titans
Appetite of the Titanic Gods Gives Rise to the Popular Conception of the Ogre
Immolation of Human Beings Associated with the Atlantean Tradition
Druidism Possibly the Last Phase of an Imported Atlantean Religion
Atlantean Traces in Druidic Religion
Theosophists and British Lore
Animal Life in Atlantis
Analogies from the Atlantic Islands
The Climate of Atlantis
Island-Names in the Azores Group
Migrations of the Rabbit
Atlantis as the Cradle of all Animal Life
Migrations of the Eel, the Lemming and of Certain Butterflies to and from the Atlantean Area
The Mesatlantic Area and its Biology
The Elephant in Atlantis. M. Termier on Atlantean Biology
The Colonies of Atlantis
Atlantis in Africa
Iberians as Atlanteans
Possibility that Atlantis Survived after 9600 B.C
The Cabiri
Did the Cabirian Cult Emanate from an Atlantis still Existing at about 3000 B.C.?
Crete as a Colony of Atlantis
Minoan Civilization Probably Modelled on that of Atlantis
Bulls and Cave-Temples
Aurignacian and Minoan Cave-Temples
Egypt as a Colony of Atlantis
Iberians in Egypt
The Cult of Osiris and its Origin
The Book of the Dead Probably of Late Aurignacian or Atlantean Origin
Egyptian Embalming Derived from Aurignacian Practice
The Atlantean Culture-Complex
Every Civilization Distinguished by a Group of Cultural Manifestations and Practices
Atlantean Culture-Complex Distributed from the Shores of Western Europe to those of Eastern America and throughout the Intervening Islands. Its Chief Elements Mummification, Witchcraft, the Pyramid, Head-Flattening, the Couvade, the Use of Triangular Stones, the Existence of Traditions of Cataclysm, etc
The Pyramid
The Couvade
The Thunder-Stone
The Sacred Pick or Hammer
The "Great Hand"
"An unabridged republication of the 1968 Crown Publishers reprint of the work originally published in 1926 by Rider (Wm.) & Son, Ltd., London and New York"--Title page verso